, Women of the Bible Wholesale Reproducible Pattern Series
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Women of the Bible Wholesale Reproducible Pattern Series

For centuries, some have inspired, enlightened, and empowered us, while others have remained a mystery to us.Women of the Bible continue to teach us how to live authentic, God-touched lives. No matter what our religious backgrounds are, we can find ourselves in the stories of the Women of the Bible.
Throughout this 40-pattern series, followers will be introduced to several Women of the Bible through individual quilt blocks.  Each pattern begins with historical references and devotional reflection. At the end of each pattern, space is provided for your own personal reflection.   You can use this space to recall your personal thoughts regarding the Bible character described, or you can use the space to reflect on your process/progress when constructing the quilt.   Your completed journal will become a cherished treasure to accompany your finished keepsake quilt.  Each woman is represented by a 10" or 15" block.  The setting units are all 5" blocks.  The quilt finishes 110"x125", or remove one or more borders to create a queen-sized quilt.

Choosing the women for this quilt was not easy.  Who should I include?  Who can I leave out?  Not all of these women were faithful, not all virtuous.  But we have lessons we can learn from each. 


These women, and their stories, appear in the quilt.


  1.  Eve
  2.  Rachel
  3.  Sarah
  4.  Noah’s Wife
  5.  Hagar
  6.  Jezebel
  7.  Rebekah
  8.  Ruth
  9.  Bathsheba
  10.   Esther
  11.  Naomi
  12.  Judith
  13.  Asenath
  14.   Jephtah’s Daughter
  15.  Miriam
  16.  Deborah
  17.  Jael
  18.  Tamar
  19.  Rahab
  20.  Potipher’s Wife
  21.  Hannah
  22.  Delilah
  23.  Shiprah & Puah
  24.   Dorcas (Tabitha)
  25.  Crippled Woman
  26.   Mary Magdalen
  27.   Samaritan Woman
  28.  Anna
  29.  Priscilla
  30.  Joanna
  31.  Martha & Mary
  32.  Salome
  33.  Pilate’s Wife
  34.  Queen of Sheba
  35.  Adulterer
  36.  Menstruating Woman
  37.  Lois & Eunice
  38.   Syro-Phoenician Woman
  39.  Elizabeth
  40.  Mary