Songs of Faith Pattern Collection PDF Portfolio
Songs of Faith Pattern Collection PDF Portfolio (85"x103") includes (24) unique block designs representing (24) classic hymns. Each hymn is represented by a 16-1/2" or 7-1/2" block in this unique design. The patterns are saved in PDF format.
This pattern collection is also available in PDF format on a CD.
Also available as a wholesale reproducible collection.
Check your stash, do you have what it takes?
Fabric Requirements |
Blocks |
5-1/3 yards |
Rectangle Border Strips |
1 yard |
Sashing & First Border |
1-5/8 yards |
Second Border |
1-1/8 yards |
Cornerstones |
1/4 yard |
Third Border |
2 yards |
Binding |
3/4 yard |
Backing |
7-1/2 yards |
Throughout this pattern series, we will look at classic songs and hymns. Hopefully, our exploration will deepen our faith and strengthen our relationship with God. This quilt will include 24 unique blocks. It is set in a non-traditional design and includes three blocks that finish 16-1/2” square, two blocks that finish 7-1/2”x16-1/2” and nineteen blocks that finish 7-1/2” square. The finished quilt has 36 block spaces, so you will have the opportunity to repeat some of your favorite blocks in the final quilt. Each quilter’s finished quilt will look uniquely different, as he/she will determine block placement and block repeats.
The first page of each pattern includes the history of the hymn and hymnist together with the lyrics of the selected hymn. The second page includes the block pattern instructions. Most of the blocks chosen for this quilt are public domain blocks, but a few have been designed specifically for this quilt. The final page of each pattern includes a description of why I chose the block to represent the hymn and a space for your personal reflection. You may choose to reflect on the hymn, reflect on your experience when making the block, or write a message to the future recipient of this quilt — use the space however you wish.
Hymn List, not in any particular order...
Amazing Grace (B21) |
This Little Light of Mine (B8) |
Jesus Loves Me (B7) |
How Great Thou Art (B22) |
Blessed Assurance (B12) |
Go Tell It On The Mountain (B9) |
Old Rugged Cross (B14) |
A Mighty Fortress (B1) |
What a Friend We Have in Jesus (B3) |
Onward Christian Soldiers (B17) |
I Know That My Redeemer Lives (B13) |
Just As I Am (B4) |
Because He Lives (B15) |
Rock of Ages (B10) |
My Hope is Built On Nothing Less (B16) |
I Need Thee Every Hour (B11) |
Lord’s Prayer (B23) |
It Is Well (B24) |
Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee (B5) |
Shall We Gather at the River (B180 |
Eagles Wings(B19) |
Holy Holy Holy (B2) |
I’ll Fly Away (B6) |
In The Sweet By and By (B20) |