COVID Tribute Quilt Update for Quilt Shops
Covid Tribute Quilt Update
August 5, 2020
Just a quick update to our participating quilt shops.
1. You should have received an email link to a private google folder. This folder contains the customized pattern and program materials for your shop. If you did not receive a link earlier today, please email teresa@stitchintree and let me know.
2. Today, I placed the Background cutting instructions in your file. Check your header to make sure we have the correct information and let me know ASAP if changes are necessary. Double check to make sure you are using the correct version. Originally, the instructions said to cut from LOF, but (thank you First City Quilts for catching the error) now read WOF.
3. I am shooting video today regarding the background fabric selection and cutting. I will edit this evening and share links with you in the morning.
4. I will send out a Background Cutting email tonight to the clients participating through my shop. I will send a copy of the email to you and you are welcome to copy the content for your email, or come up with your own marketing language.
5. I've received many calls/emails from quilters who have signed up after the fabric exchange window closed. I will have another fabric exchange window (with exchange fabric due by 9/1) for folks who have signed up late.
6. The fabric exchange packages will go in the mail on Tuesday 8/11. I will send an email out with patterns for the 9-patch units on the same date. Look for an email to copy and for a shared folder link on Tuesday.
7. We are pattern testing the first 3 and 1 alternate block on Wednesday 8/12. I will send links to the patterns that evening. I apologize that these are not coming out a week ahead (on the 10th), but we've been bogged down with the fabric exchange and I have no room for the pattern testers this week.
8. We will fire up the Facebook Group this week when the emails start rolling out. We have lots of pics and stories from quilters who are participating in the exchange. We will host a watch party through the Facebook group for the background video on Sunday evening at 7 pm CST. I will send you the link. You do not have to participate, but please notify your quilters of the time.
9. If you have not already done so, please request to join the Facebook Group for COVID. You can join as your shop, and also as yourself, individually. If you join as an individual, I can grant you access to the group as an administrator, and you can post directly. Here is the link to the group.
If you have any questions along the way, please do not hesitate to call or email. Email is the preferred choice of communication, as I am unable to answer the phone when I am tied up. Because of COVID, I do not have regular hours in our makerspace.
If you have made kits, or are marketing background fabric, please let me know so we can post information for you -- or better yet, become an administrator on the FB group and post when you like. :-)
I pray that you all stay safe and healthy.
If you have any questions, give us a call 712-647-3161 or send Teresa an email |
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