Quilt Alongs Month 7

Thanks to all of you who have been following one or both of our two faith-based quilt alongs. We've revealed the overall designs for each quilt, and have continued to introduce new blocks each month.
Songs of Faith, left, will finish as a full/queen size quilt. tHIS Love, below, will finish as a throw/twin size quilt. With each quilt, quilters will determine their own block placement and will choose favorite blocks to repeat in the quilt.

This is Month 7 of our 12-month series. It's not too late to start -- jump in any time! You can catch up on the blocks you have missed by clicking the CATCH UP item in in either Quilt Along.
About our Quilt Alongs
In October, we launched two new Quilt Along patterns. Now you can follow Teresa Coenen as she introduces her latest designs. Each block pattern contains a short devotional/inspirational message and space for individual reflection.
The patterns will be offered FREE (for a limited time) to our email customers and Facebook followers to submit photos of their blocks.
Check out our quilt alongs
tHIS Love Quilt Along

Click HERE to go to tHIS Love Quilt Along
Songs of Faith Quilt Along

Click HERE to go to Songs of Faith Quilt Along
CAUTION - due to the Easter holiday, we are releasing these patterns (as scheduled) one day BEFORE we test the patterns in our shop. We recommend that you wait to construct your blocks AFTER our Quilter's of Faith Open Sew on Wednesday, April 24. We will post any pattern changes after we finish our Open Sew.